Announcing ...
This is what we do.
Through Christian education, the Holy Spirit works and calls Christian disciples to become committed to strong, faithful Christian service and should be seen as a sacred trust given by God through Jesus Christ to the Church. This is accomplished through the Church's intentional and obedient actions. Providing the necessary Biblical and spiritual resources that equip disciples for effective ministry is part of our commitment as Maryland Baptists.
The Baptist Congress of Christian Education (BCCE) implements Christian education on behalf of the UBMC and works to advance Christian education across the state through effective organizational, administrative, instructional, and worshipful methods.
The Baptist Congress of Christian Education (BCCE) implements Christian education on behalf of the UBMC and works to advance Christian education across the state through effective organizational, administrative, instructional, and worshipful methods.
Christian Education Essentials
The revealed Word of God is taught as truth. God created us individually and wonderfully. This essential truth helps us understand who we are, how we value others, and our own worth. As Christian educators, we recognize all truth as God's truth.
Biblical Integration
Our teaching and learning program is infused with God's Word. Spirituality and learning are integrated to understand nature and human history. This integration helps develop a godly perspective on humanity, culture, and the world.
Christian Staff
Our organization's administrators, faculty, and staff members are born-again Christians who demonstrate a Christ-like life in their living, teaching, and leading. In addition to being competent in their academic fields, they also reflect a holistic view of life.
Accelerate Your Ministry with Proven Strategies
Varying levels of knowledge and experience to increase community impact, support, and fundraising.
High Quality
Focus on accuracy, efficiency, and effectiveness. WOW your church and community with overwhelming results.
Achieve your mission by creating a strategy that meets your immediate needs and considers your future goals.
Fuel ministry to enhance well-being, efficiency, and overall ability to maximize the use of resources.